Lumen Christi Catholic Multi Academy

A message from our CEO

Welcome to Lumen Christi Catholic Multi Academy, a beacon of faith and learning, dedicated to providing outstanding education from ages 3 to 19. As a Catholic Multi Academy, we are deeply committed to the mission entrusted to us by Jesus Christ: to make Him known through our educational endeavours and our service to the communities within Lumen Christi.

 We are not just a network of schools; we are a family, each with a unique identity, working in harmony for the benefit of all children, staff, and the wider community. Together, we prioritise the holistic formation of our young people, providing opportunities for personal encounters with Jesus, robust pastoral support, and strong academic achievements.

As we continue to grow, we are eager to share our experience and expertise, supporting the Archdiocesan goal of transitioning all Catholic schools into an academy model. Our dedication to high-quality, inclusive education remains unwavering, and we are committed to fostering an environment where every member of our community feels valued and respected.

Join us in our mission to light the way for future generations, nurturing the God-given potential of every child and young person entrusted to our care.

Regards and blessings

Paul Collins-Smith

Chief Executive Officer

Lumen Christi Catholic Multi Academy


  • St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School

  • St Columba’s
    Catholic Primary School

  • St James’
    Catholic Primary School

  • St Brigid’s
    Catholic Primary School

  • St Paul’s
    Catholic Primary School

  • St Thomas Aquinas
    Catholic School

  • St Thomas More
    Catholic Primary School

  • St John Fisher
    Catholic Primary School

  • St Peter's
    Catholic Primary School